


March 30

Basic Christianity teaches in God’s Word, Ephesians chapter 2, verse 19: “You are a member of God’s very own family…and you belong in God’s household with every other Christian.”

In our natural families, many people experience the broken, dysfunctional, and unhealthiness. God sent Jesus to teach us all about family and how to handle the many problems families face. All of us have tribulations within our extended families; especially now as the family unit has been under attack as never before. So, God gives us a backup family: our spiritual family of the church. It is my church family who has always been there for me.

The Church is a family and God expects you to be an active member of the church family. According to Pastor Rick Warren- Christians without a church family are like orphans. Our goal is to commit ourselves to Jesus Christ and to the Church family.

Today, before God and all these witnesses , our New Members: Deone, Nancy, Erica and Jen are now joined and connected to us. All of us together are saved, baptized, and are one with Christ Jesus following the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, in the book of Galatians 3:26-28 it reads: “…we are all the same- we are Christians, we are one in Jesus Christ.”

Our goal for these past 15 years Atonement Methodist Church has made a
Matthew 22:36-40 New Living Translation “Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”

Together with the GREAT COMMISSION we will “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Let’s pour out God’s grace and love within and without these Church walls. As members we are called to faithfully participate in it ministries with our prayers, presence, our gifts and our service to God. May we bring glory to God as we follow in the steps of Jesus our Savior and Friend.

Happy Birthday March & April!
MARCH 30 – Pat DeFeo
MARCH 31 – Steve Calzone
APRIL 5 – Crystal Eckenroad

APRIL 13Cantata 9 am at Traditional Worship
11 am – The Branch – Palm Sunday Message
APRIL 17Last Supper with Holy Communion at 6:30 pm
APRIL 18Good Friday 12 noon
APRIL 20Easter Sunday
APRIL 27Holy Humor Sunday at 9 am & 11 am

LIBRARY BOX – Archmere Academy and Atonement Church are responsible for the little library by the bus stop. We need to someone to fill the library and take care of it when empty. Please contact the church office if you are interested. 302-798-8472

DOOR OF HOPE SPRING FUNDRAISER: Baby Bottle Benefit May 4 – June 1 Door of Hope offers life-affirming services for families experiencing unplanned pregnancies. The Door of Hope provides ultrasounds, educational support, and material assistance, all for free. Since 2014, Atonement and HOPE Community Church have participated in this outreach project, as well as knitting baby blankets and caps for newborn babies. Learn more at their website, . Monetary donations can be put in the large water container in the Welcome Center or in the collection jar at The Branch. Checks are welcome, made out to Door of Hope.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL (A/K/A known as SPORTS CAMP) is recruiting! YOU can help TEAM JESUS bring God’s story to Knollwood Community Center once again this year. We have all the children interested and all the equipment necessary. So, now we need Coaches for refreshments, for Bible study, and Crafts. Students who are ages 4 through 11 years old love learning about Jesus and making new friends. PLEASE PUT SPORTS CAMP IN YOUR PRAYERS! Contact the Church Office to volunteer.

QR CODE – Atonement now has a QR Code that will make giving to the church easier. Aim your camera on your phone on the code and it will take you to Atonement’s Giving Page on our website. And then, continue to follow the prompts. No App necessary!