February 9
SOUP-er BOWL SUNDAY IS HERE! Soup and Chili Sale in the Welcome Center between and after services, and sponsored by the Rebecca Circle. Donations always welcomed. These monies benefit local and global ministries.
REBECCA CIRCLE will meet on Wednesday, February 12th at 10am at Marge McQuage’s home. For any questions please call Arlene Skoknicki at 302-764-4384.
LIBRARY BOX – Archmere Academy and Atonement Church are responsible for the little library by the bus stop. We need to someone to fill the library and take care of it when empty. Please contact the church office if you are interested. 302-798-8472
WINTER DISCIPLESHIP OPPORTUNITIES begin with Class Meetings that run eight weeks. Class Meetings are a life group experience Male and female will gather together for fellowship and a time to put our faith into practice. The most important ingredient of a successful Class Meeting is a group of people who are willing to take an interest in each other’s lives, and who are interested in growing their relationship with Jesus. Sign up at the Welcome Center desk. Openings are in Laura’s and Pastor Amy’s groups; meeting days & time varies.
MARK CALENDARS FOR LENTEN STUDY GROUPS beginning Sunday, March 2nd through April 6th. More details to follow. If interested in helping with a Lenten Study Group, contact Church Office. Sign up in the Welcome Center. Leaders are needed. Contact Pastor Amy at 302-218-5896.
Sign up begins and continue throughout the month of February for anyone interested in learning more about becoming a member of this awesome Atonement Methodist Church. The class is scheduled tentatively for Sunday afternoon, February 16th from 3-6pm. New members will be received into the church on the Fifth Sunday of March thru March 30th. This includes a time of instruction, a tour of our building, and dinner together in the Welcome Center. Sign up at the Welcome Center desk. Questions: Text or contact Pastor Amy for answers.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2025 also known as Sports Camp at the Knollwood Community Center needs a team to organize for this summer. Please pray for leaders and helpers! Contact Pastor Amy to join the team. Let’s get an early start this year and make it the best one ever.
ATTENTION ALL COMMITTEES & LEADERS For the year of 2025, meeting nights will be Tuesday’s for Worship (First Tuesday), Finance (Second Tuesday), Leadership (Third Tuesday) and Trustees (Fourth Tuesday). Be sure to mark your calendar.
ALTAR FLOWERS: The 2025 altar flower chart is hung up outside of the nursery. If interested, please add your name and phone number to the chart or call the Church office and provide your name, the date requested and whether a side or center arrangement is requested. You will be contacted regarding the bulletin write-up closer to your sign-up date. Prices: $20/vase; $40/center.
SAMARITAN’S PURSE WATER PROJECT continues as Atonement collects coins and donations to fund the Clean Water Wells projects. Samaritan’s Purse tells us on their web site that 748 million people live without access to clean water. Atonement’s coin collection (in the blue water jug in the Welcome Center and in the mason jar up front at The Branch) have accumulated thousands of dollars for the Clean Well water project. Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters (as well as cash or checks) are most welcome!
12 NOON – THE LORD’S PRAYER As part of the Global Methodist Church, everyone is invited to stop at 12 Noon sharp, if possible, and take a moment to pray with all our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. The Lord’s prayer is the perfect prayer model. So if time permits, why not take a moment and ponder the different segments of the prayer and go deeper with God. May God bless the Global Methodist Church worldwide as we all devote this time of prayer to God.
WALKING WITH JESUS BLOG WALKING WITH JESUS BLOG for Christmas! Locate the blog at One of our Church Wordsmiths, Linda Cobourn, is doing something special! Wondering about the Magi from the East? Check it out! Linda is an extra-ordinary channel of God’s love!
QR CODE – Atonement now has a QR Code that will make giving to the church easier. Aim your camera on your phone on the code and it will take you to Atonement’s Giving Page on our website. And then, continue to follow the prompts. No App necessary!
Happy Birthday February!
Feb 9 – Ron Schmidt