


Living What We Believe

  • Methodists affirm the historic Christian faith as summarized in the Apostle’s Creed and Nicene Creed.
  • We believe in the Triune god, the Trinity- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe every person is a beloved child of God whom God created in God’s divine image, with inherent worth and dignity.
  • We believe in the Church as the community called to be instruments of God’s presence and coming reign in Christ Jesus. We believe in the Bible as God’s revealed Word, authoritative in matters of faith and practice.
  • We believe in the final triumph of God’s reign of compassion, justice, generosity, and peace where we will discover a renewed creation where sin, suffering, and death are overcome, and God’s victory is complete.

Walking with Jesus Blog

A reflection on Sunday’s teaching and practical ways to live out Godly principles and see Him in each day.

Latest Blog

Ezer Kenegdo: The Power of a Woman

The Lord God said, “It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper(ezer) suitable (kenegdo) for him.” Genesis 2:18 March 3, 2000, 9AM When Bonnie and I arrive at the hospital, we are still exhausted from the long night before, but propping each other up.

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Nursery & Preschool

Atonement’s Nursery and Preschool area is a child’s delight since it includes many creative activities available to children 5 years old and younger. Children may also watch Bible stories and listen to Bible songs, while being supervised by a trained childcare provider. Volunteers also help as Nursery staff to take all precautions possible to prevent the spread of germs, while providing a loving and nurturing environment. Ministry Safe practices apply another layer of protection for our children and staff.

Ministry Safe policies in place for all ministries pertaining to children of all ages. More info

Kids Ministries

KIDMO is a Sunday School program for Kindergarten through 3rd grade. Students interact with adult leaders during a time of Bible study, music, crafts, and snacks. Ministry Safe policies are in place for KIDMO. Friendships are being made with Jesus and each other as students grow on their spiritual journey.

KIDMO Sunday School 10-11pm
Welcoming children Kindergarten thru 3rd grade. 

Third-grade students through Senior High participate in the Traditional Worship service at 9am with duties such as lighting and extinguishing the altar candles, helping with the Offering and Holy Communion.

Ministry Safe policies in place for all ministries pertaining to children of all ages. More info

Teen's Ministries

Preteen and Teen Sunday School Bible study for 4-7 grade in the Youth Room at 10:00-11:00 am. New friends are always welcome.

Youth Ministry

S.U.R.G.E. (Serving Under a Real God Everyday) 

Atonement Church’s youth, between 6th and 12th grades, meet on Friday nights from 7-9pm in Atonement’s Youth Room. David Lang is the Youth Group Leader who oversees a team of parents and young adults who bring a wide range of gifts and grace to the youth ministry. S.UR.G.E, which stands for “SERVING UNDER A REAL GOD EVERYDAY” features teen fellowship, weekly Bible study, service projects, and attendance at worship. Students are encouraged to fulfill Atonement’s vision of “Connecting the Claymont Community and Beyond to Jesus” as they witness to the friends and loved ones. Some of the youth group’s favorite activities include attending overnight lock-ins at church, sponsoring a spaghetti dinner, attending youth gatherings, and enjoying fellowship on Friday nights in their awesome Youth Room.

Confirmation is an honored tradition for our youth, ages 12-17 years of age. Confirmation is a milestone to mark the first time a Christian publicly “confirms” to live a Christian life according to their membership and baptismal vows. Confirmation classes teach the teens what Confirmation is and what it means to be a Christian. Once the classes are completed, confirmands join the church and confirm their faith in Christ Jesus. If possible, students are received into the congregation during Eastertide or on fifth Sundays during the year.

Ministry Safe policies in place for all ministries pertaining to children of all ages. More info


PREPARE/ENRICH is the #1 Premarital and Marriage Assessment for over 35 years. Counseling available with Pastor Amy for couples committed to gain a deeper understanding of dynamics, personality, stress and strength and growth areas in marriage. Learn more about Prepare and Enrich at this website. contact Pastor Amy for an appointment.

Life Groups

Atonement Church Life Groups are offered seasonally as a place to build friendships while exploring spiritually in a variety of venues. Life Groups benefit all persons involved (leaders, hosts and participants), as well as others in our many community service projects. Over the past 15 years there have been many kinds of opportunities! And new ideas are always welcome. Whether it’s Bible study, cooking, a weekly nature walk, a DVD Series, such as The Chosen, prayer group, men’s/women’s groups, quilting prayer blankets or “Knitting for a Need,” Single’s group, exercise, or book group- THERE’S A PLACE FOR YOU IN A LIFE GROUP.

Service Groups

Audio/Video Techs who serve during our worship service and events.

Knollwood Gardening Team for outdoor gardens boxes at Knollwood Community Center. Seasonal work beautifying the Community Center.

Knollwood Service Team: Helping hands to paint, clean, repair the Community Center as needed. In the past, jobs were done such as painting the interior of the center and other cosmetic projects, renovating the bathroom, installed water fountain and new water heater, repaired guttering, and landscaping work, etc.

Knitting For A Need: Knitters and those who crochet goods for Door of Hope and A. I. DuPont Children’s Hospital. Also, items are sold, and proceeds given to outreach ministries.

Hospitality Team: For anyone who loves serving food and people. Includes hosting Sunday refreshments between services, special events such as annual church picnic, and soliciting donations of refreshments when needed. The Hospitality Team is one of the most important in the church, promoting friendship and fellowship among church members and guests. 

Interest Groups

ARE FOR THE UNIQUE GIFTINGS OF PEOPLE TO BE EXPRESSED, while connecting with each other and doing life together around common interests.

Life Group Hosts: Hosts take the lead in the area of hospitality for the small group, providing a welcoming atmosphere. Host can consider serving refreshments as the group gathers, rather than at the end. Also, you may give consideration to seating so everyone can have eye contact with each other and not just the Leader.

Learning Groups: Discipleship

Groups may be Bible studies, book or topical studies, DVD study, New Believers Class, or something that runs longer, such as Disciple Bible Study, Experiencing God, or Alpha, etc.

Fellowship Groups

To encourage and build up the Body of Christ as people of like-mindedness gather together for same activities, habits, pursuits. May include prayer, food, service, fund-raising, or ministry.

Prayer Quilt Team is a dedicated group who designs and sews small lap quilts that are destined to individuals who are going through difficulty, trauma, or sickness. Team members can design the quilt, cut the squares, and sew it together. Then the congregation prays and ties knots for every prayer offered to God. Atonement is quickly approaching the 1,000th prayer quilt created since this ministry’s beginning. 

Rebecca Circle This Life Group is for women and has been an active part of Atonement Church for many years. Meeting are a time of devotion, prayer, business, program, and refreshments. Many ministries are blessed by the Rebecca Circle. New members are welcome if you have an interest in missions, local church activities, fellowship and lifelong friendships. 

Service Projects / Cooperative Ministries

Urban Promise Upper Academy: So much can be said for Atonement’s partnership over the past 20 years, building relationships and support in many small and big ways. Atonement loves what Urban Promise is all about: the hope of Jesus for families and children in the inner city context with monthly hot lunch and breakfast donations. Christmas 2021 stocking for students with much to be said for our partnership over the years. Student interns sponsored for summer camps, building facility made available for staff and training meetings, housed “missionaries” from Christian colleges for Urban Promise summer workcamps, tutoring help (prior to Covid), annual monetary support… and may God continue to bless Urban Promise Schools. 

Gideon’s International are men of faith who freely distribute small, pocket-sized New Testaments to towns and cities all around the world. Together with Atonement, the Gideon’s have made Claymont and North Wilmington their mission field, too. So far, they have distributed almost 5,000 New Testaments in Claymont at revivals and parades in Claymont. Visit their web site at to learn more! 

Knollwood Afterschool Program: Since 2013, Atonement Methodist Church has offered after school help with students at the Knollwood Community Center. Students also have a weekly  Bible study with Pastor Amy, which includes music, art, and drama. Kids from Kindergarten to high school have grown in their faith learning from the Bible how to follow Jesus with praying, Bible memory, and living out what we believe. One entire hallway at Atonement Church is covered with art work of all ages as they have illustrated what they were learning each week. And thanks be to God! 

Knollwood Summer Sport Camp week: Since 2014 Atonement has sponsored a week of VBS, we call it Sports Camp. All kinds of activities, including Bible study, Bible memory, and refreshment time. Knollwood kids love basketball, soccer, volleyball, baseball, football- and we bring all into their big backyard at the community center.

Sponsoring Knollwood Summer Book Fair: Atonement Church contributes $2,000.00 towards purchase of books for elementary students to shop and buy summer reading books.

Knollwood’s Adopt a Family for Christmas:Thanks to missional monies donated to our church, families in Knollwood can have a little more celebration of Jesus’ birthday! Pastor Amy and helpers brighten the season with the reminders of God’s love and grace through God’s gifts to these special people.

Outreach & Mission Support

  • Able Ministries – Wayne Hendrickson
  • Claymont Fire Company
  • Door of Hope
  • Gideons International
  • Kenny Davis Ministries
  • Knollwood Community Center
  • Red Bird Mission
  • Salvation Army
  • Samaritan’s Purse
  • Sunday Breakfast Mission
  • The Chosen Ministries
  • Urban Promise