


Youth Ministries

S.U.R.G.E. Serving Under a Real God Everyday

 Atonement Church’s youth, between 6th and 12th grades, meet on Friday nights from 7-9pm in Atonement’s Youth Room. David Lang is the Youth Group Leader who oversees a team of parents and young adults who bring a wide range of gifts and grace to the youth ministry. S.UR.G.E, which stands for “SERVING UNDER A REAL GOD EVERYDAY” features teen fellowship, weekly Bible study, service projects, and attendance at worship. Students are encouraged to fulfill Atonement’s vision of “Connecting the Claymont Community and Beyond to Jesus” as they witness to the friends and loved ones.  Some of the youth group’s favorite activities include attending  overnight lock-ins at church, sponsoring a spaghetti dinner, attending youth gatherings, and enjoying fellowship on Friday nights in their awesome Youth Room.

Ministry Safe policies in place for all ministries pertaining to children of all ages. More info

Contact Person

David Lang, Sr. 302-798-8472 (Church Office)


Confirmation is an honored tradition for our youth, ages 12-17 years of age. Confirmation is a milestone to mark the first time a Christian publicly “confirms” to live a Christian life according to their membership and baptismal vows. Confirmation classes teach the teens what Confirmation is and what it means to be a Christian. Once the classes are completed, confirmands join the church and confirm their faith in Christ Jesus. If possible, students are received into the congregation during Eastertide or on fifth Sundays during the year.

Contact Person

Pastor Amy (302) 218-5896


For the In-Between ages of childhood and adolescence, there is The Tweeners. It is generally 4-6 graders, but at Atonement Church we extended it to the 7th grade. This group meets for Sunday School class from 10-11am and then come to worship at 11am at The Branch. They meet in the S.U.R.G.E. room with Leaders Valerie West, Dave and Amanda Lang, and James Lang. 

Contact Person

Valerie West (302)-540-3760.