
To Obey is Better than Sacrifice

Musings from a Musician

By: Valerie Pilkington

I just keep doing my best, pray that it’s blessed and Jesus takes care of the rest


 To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. (Proverbs 21:3, ESV)


We recently had the disaffiliation vote here at church. The term “Disaffiliation” means to “end a formal relationship with a group” (Oxford Languages Dictionary). In this case, we were voting to end Atonement’s relationship with the United Methodist Church due to differences in Biblical teachings.  I was so impressed by Pastor Amy’s sensitivity to the few members who voted no.  I saw this as an example of Amy’s obedience to the Holy Spirit to be considerate of others’ feelings.   Change and growth seem to go hand in hand, and I know that these people who voted no do not want to change and have reasons why they love being United Methodists.  I have had these lyrics to a song stuck in my head for the past few months,  about being brave enough to do what is right in God’s eyes, and not just what is easy for us.  

To obey is better than sacrifice, I don’t need your money,  I want your life

And I hear you say that I’m coming back soon,  But you act like I’ll never return

Well you speak of grace and my love so sweet.   How you thrive on milk, but reject My meat

And I can’t help weeping of how it will be.  If you keep on ignoring My words

Well you pray to prosper and succeed,  But your flesh is something I just can’t feed


The Bible speaks of this in 1 Samuel:


And Samuel said, “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams. (1 Samuel 15:22  ESV)


Change and growing pains, in my opinion, go hand in hand.  It hurts to admit we need to grow in knowledge and experience of loving our Lord.   Now we realize we need to change and grow, and with growth comes the growing pains we ALL experience.  As we look to you, Lord Jesus, remember us, and lead us in the ways you WANT us all to go in. 


Here’s the rest of the lyrics from Keith Green’s song:

To obey is better than sacrifice, I want more than Sunday and Wednesday nights

Cause if you can’t come to Me every day,  Then don’t bother coming at all    La, la, la

To obey is better than sacrifice,  I want hearts of fire,  Not your prayers of ice

And I’m coming quickly,  To give back to you,   According to what you have done



The Book of Matthew also talks about mercy and sacrifice:

And if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless. (Matthew 12:7)

Thank you, Jesus, for your gifts of Mercy and Grace, we need them everyday.  Remember Mercy is “not receiving something you deserve” while Grace is “receiving something you don’t deserve.”  We all deserve to be separated from God, but Grace says everything that Jesus has, is OURS, and we are God’s precious children.   Growth hurts. The ache and discomfort of pain can be agonizing, but it is necessary and always beneficial. God created us, not to stay stagnant, but to always be growing in him and becoming more like Jesus. But it’s not easy, and we can certainly stunt it.

Know that in the midst of heartache and pain, God is molding and growing you. Be confident in the promise from God that he is making you more like Jesus as you allow him to do the work he desires to do in you.

Stubbornness makes us do things we shouldn’t do, and cuts us off from others (even those who want to help us) — simply because we insist on our own way and won’t admit we might be wrong. But stubbornness also cuts us off from God, because it makes us refuse to seek His will or listen to His Word.


Until next time, please keep our leadership in prayer, as we make this transition.  And YES GOD, you can have ALL of US.  


God Bless You.


In case you want to hear the song: