
Highway to Holiness


“The Highway of Holiness”

February 23, 2005

Pastor Amy

And a highway will be there;
it will be called the Way of Holiness;
it will be for those who walk on that Way.

Isaiah 35:8

My son-in-law, Jared, has four pet peeves: bridges, wet socks, country music, and major highways. My oldest son, Dennis, has made up a country song about walking over a bridge in wet socks that he sings for Jared. Yes, we are that type of family. But Jared is an excellent husband to my daughter and we love him despite his quirks.

Highways are a particular sticking point. Jared prefers to find back roads to any destination—avoiding bridges, of course—and calls these departures from the beaten path the “winky, winky way.”

Last Sunday, Pastor Amy told us about the roads in Bible times when the majority of the population walked or rode along paths that were packed dirt with mud puddles and frequent cave-ins. Talk about winky, winky ways! Strewn with rocks, prone to wash-outs, narrow and often winding up mountains, roads were important for travel and trade. Those of royal heritage had “special roads” that mere mortals were not permitted to travel. The King’s Highway and the Via Maris were too such roads. Jared would have definitely stayed off of them.

The Narrow Gate Painting by Jeanette Sthamann

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. Matthew 7:13

I thought about this verse for a few days. The easy path is not always the best way. Those that have material wealth are often lacking in spiritual wealth. As Jesus pointed out in Matthew 10:17-27, it can be hard to give up the riches on earth for the treasure that waits in Heaven.

Yet it is so worth it! Isaiah 35:1-3 gives us a glimpse of what Heaven will be like! Even the wilderness will rejoice and blossom; it will burst into bloom and shout for joy! The narrow, dusty road we travel will be as beautiful as Carmel and Sharon, reported to be two of the loveliest places in the old world. We will see the “glory of the Lord, and the splendor of our God.”

We need to be on the road that will lead us to holiness and not be deceived by other roads that look better paved and easier to follow. We have been reminded several times this month of February that we are spiritual beings; we need to seek spiritual roads.

Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

II Corinthians 7:1

Image result for Isaiah 351

Our hands might become feeble and our knees give out (Isaiah 35:3), but if we keep to the path God has set before us, he will give us the strength to make it to the end. And what an end it will be! Look at some of what awaits us on the Highway to Holiness!

  • The blind will see
  • The deaf will hear
  • The lame will walk
  • There will be water in the wilderness and the desert
  • There will be bubbling streams and pools
  • There will be no dangers to fear

Best of all, “everlasting joy will crown our heads” (Isaiah 35:10).

Inspired by my son-in-law, I have been taking more of the “winky, winky ways”, avoiding traffic and associated road rage, slowing down and enjoying the journey towards my destination. Sure, it’s easier to hop on the same road the world follows and fall prey to the temptations, but the Highway to Holiness leads to the destination where

Gladness and joy will overtake them,
and sorrow and sighing will flee away.

Isaiah 35:10

I hope you’ll join me on the journey!


To read more of Linda’s faith walk through spousal caregiving and widowhood, read her blog, Quirky: Because we’re all a little different, at

Have a story of your walk with Jesus to tell others? Talk to Linda!





From the desk of EW Tryens

  Every plant which my heavenly father has not planted shall be uprooted. (MATTHEW 15:13)


Jesus Christ  is the sweetest name I know. It is with confession of the name that  we were born again and received the Holy Spirit . You become Spiritually a son of God with power, but your soul and body remain unchanged, your mind and the way you think is unchanged. If you fear everything, the fear remains. If you suffer from depression, that remains. The worst prisons are the ones in your mind,  the mental images of what you think about, or the way you think about a subject.

 God –who loves us– has given us a way out.


Mental prisons mean we  limit our lives by not changing our thinking. Clearness and concern are two keys to releasing us from prisons. When you are born-again, you receive the Holy Spirit but your mind is still only what you make it.  Our thoughts can be powerful! Your mind can become a prison.  Suppose you are broke and  the rent is due. Pick a verse that speaks to you and memorize that verse. Thank God for your deliverance.


 Holding God’s word in your mind gives you a picture of your abundance . Try to increase your time in  the Word. Your mind is a Holy Spirit computer: garbage in, garbage out. Put good things into your mind. Take words from the Bible and memorize verse. This takes time but is worth the effort. If in a half an hour you  forget and go back to thinking your old way, you will not gain deliverance \. You will have a blurred picture in your mind.


For God so loved the world that He sent His only son. Once we are born again, we become sons and daughters of God – actual members of God’s family !  In the world there are four kingdoms:

  • The plant kingdom,
  •  the animal kingdom,
  • the kingdom of man, 
  • and the spiritual  kingdom of God.  With the righteousness of God  we stand without any sense of sin, guilt, or condemnation . We belong to the Kingdom of God!

What an amazing promise!

And God is able to make all grace abound, so that in all things, in all times, you will abound in every good work. (II Corinthians 9:8 )